Kaiser Permanente Sexual Harassment Attorney in California
When you started your job at Kaiser Permanente? Did you ever expect to suffer any form of sexual harassment? The workplace is supposed to provide you with a place to grow professionally earn the wages necessary to live your life as you desire. Unfortunately, many employees see being able to work in a positive and healthy environment as a luxury. On the contrary, many employees accept unhealthy and hostile work environments as normal. Have you been subject to sexual harassment while working for Kaiser Permanente?
Do you work for Kaiser Permanente? Have you been the constant target of sexual harassment while being employed by Kaiser Permanente? If you have been subject to sexual harassment while working for Kaiser Permanente, you might have grounds to take action against your employer. If you were a victim of rape, sexual molestation, or any other type of sexual harassment, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance as soon as possible.
Are you in need of a lawyer who can help sue Kaiser Permanente for sexual harassment? If you would like to discuss your claim with a California sexual harassment attorney for Kaiser Permanente employees, do not hesitate to contact California Labor Law Employment Attorneys Group today. California Labor Law Employment Attorneys Group is an employment law firm dedicated to representing all employees who have been mistreated in the workplace. Our employment attorneys are not afraid to represent victimized employees against some of the most recognized employers, such as Kaiser Permanente. If you are ready to discuss your claim with a lawyer with experience in Kaiser Permanente sexual harassment cases, contact the experts at California Labor Law Employment Attorneys Group today.
Defining Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is a form of employment discrimination that is strictly based on sex. Sexual harassment consists of unwanted behavior/conduct with a sexual nature. For instance, sexual harassment can consist of inappropriate sexual conduct (e.g. sexual comments or sexual advances). Sexual harassment is limited to the workplace or other professional settings. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation surrounding sexual harassment. For example, many people assume that sexual harassment normally occurs when a male in a high position in the workplace targets a female employee. However, both victims and their harassers can be of any sex. Although sexual harassment is common among female employees (who are being harassed by male superiors), sexual harassment can occur among the same sex. In many instances, females have been the harassers and males have been the victims. Regardless of the specific details of the situation in the workplace (i.e. who is in charge and who is victimized), sexual harassment is unwelcome and unsolicited and should be addressed before it continues to harm the victim. If you would like to learn more about sexual harassment after Kaiser Permanente wrongfully and illegally fired you after you reported sexual harassment, do not hesitate to contact California Labor Law Employment Attorneys Group today.
Understanding the Different Types of Sexual Harassment in Your Workplace
Unfortunately, sexual harassment is very common in the workplace. All employees should be familiar with some of the most common types of sexual harassment:
- Groping
- Sending inappropriate images
- Assaulting sexually
- Raping
- Trying to have sexual relations
- Proposing employment or promotions in exchange for sexual favors
- Mentioning sexually explicit objects
- Making sexual jokes or comments
- Making inappropriate sexual gestures
Have you experienced any of the types of sexual harassment mentioned above? If so, it is possible that a supervisor or coworker at Kaiser Permanente creates a hostile work environment for you and other Kaiser employees. You should seek legal assistance from a Kaiser Permanente sexual harassment lawyer; you might even have grounds to participate in a Kaiser Permanente sexual harassment class action lawsuit. For more information about what you could do after being victimized in the workplace, speak with our Kaiser Permanente discrimination attorneys.
The Law and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
How are you and other employees protected by sexual harassment in the workplace? As briefly mentioned above, sexual harassment is a type of discrimination. Therefore, you and all other employees are protected by both federal and state anti-discrimination laws. Below are the laws with which you should be familiar:
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
- The Fair Employment and Housing Act
If you were sexually harassed by Kaiser Permanente of someone working at Kaiser Permanente, you are protected by law and you should take action as soon as possible. If you are ready to take action against your employer after you were sexually harassed or mistreated in retaliation for reporting the harassment, you must seek legal assistance with a Kaiser Permanente sexual assault lawyer at California Labor Law Employment Attorneys Group.
Understanding the EEOC and DFEH in Your Sexual Harassment Claim
If a coworker or superior groped you or sent you inappropriate pictures, you have been subject to sexual harassment. On many occasions, victims of sexual harassment fail to take action against their employers because they are simply unfamiliar with their options. All employees are protected by the law on multiple levels; therefore, they have the right to take actions when their employers violate the law and harm them as a result. If you suffered sexual harassment in your Kaiser Permanente workplace, you should be familiar with the following entities:
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH)
The EEOC is a federal employment agency that oversees and enforces all employment laws established by federal law. The DFEH is a state employment agency that oversees and enforces all employment laws established by state law. When employees encounter mistreatment in their workplace, they can usually pursue claims with the EEOC. When affected in California, employees have the option to pursue claims with the EEOC or DFEH. If you would like to learn more about the EEOC and DFEH to determine the action that you should take after a manager or supervisor sexually harassed you or tried to have sexual relations with you, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance as soon as possible.
Sexual Harassment Lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente
Could you sue Kaiser Permanente for sexual harassment after a manager or supervisor at Kaiser Permanente sexually harassed you? Could you file a Kaiser Permanente sexual harassment lawsuit after being subjected to inappropriate touching or any other form of sexual harassment? Could you participate in a class action lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente for sexual harassment? Without a doubt, after being sexually assaulted or harassed in your workplace, you might be looking for more information about your options. The first thing that you must understand is that you do have the right to file a lawsuit, and speaking with Kaiser Permanente sexual harassment lawyers in Los Angeles could easily provide you with the information that you need to pursue a lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente.
However, before you can file a lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente for sexual harassment, you must have received a right-to-sue letter from the EEOC or DFEH, depending on the agency with which you pursued your claim. Without the right-to-sue, you cannot begin your lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente. If you would like to learn more about your right to pursue a civil lawsuit against your employer, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at California Labor Law Employment Attorneys Group at your earliest convenience. Our lawyers will provide you with the guidance that you need to pursue a successful claim against your employer.
Could You Receive Compensation?
Undeniably, you have the right to sue and receive compensation after being subject to sexual harassment by your employer. If you sue Kaiser Permanente for sexual harassment, could you receive compensation? Without a doubt, Kaiser Permanente sexual harassment lawsuits can be worth significant amounts. Although all sexual harassment claims are different, Kaiser Permanente sexual harassment cases can have an average value of $300,000 or more; the value of sexual harassment cases can often reach millions. Because sexual harassment claims are so different from one another, specific information regarding the type and amount of compensation that you could receive should be thoroughly discussed with an experienced attorney. Depending on the details of your employment claim against Kaiser, you could be eligible to receive some of the following types of compensation:
- Medical expenses, for the costs associated with any treatment you needed after your sexual harassment/assault
- Lost income, for the wages that you lost directly related to your sexual harassment
- Pain and suffering, for the mental and emotional distress caused by the sexual harassment
- Punitive damages, for the overall unfair treatment to which your employer subjected you
For more information about the specific type and amount of compensation that you might be eligible to receive if you sue Kaiser Permanente for the sexual harassment that you suffered, do not hesitate to contact the experts at California Labor Law Employment Attorneys Group today. Our attorneys will fight for your right to receive the maximum amount of compensation available for your claim.
Los Angeles Kaiser Permanente Sexual Harassment Lawyer
If Kaiser Permanente harasses you and retaliates against you, you must discuss your claim with a Kaiser Permanente harassment lawyer at your earliest convenience. To discuss your sexual harassment and retaliation (if applicable) with a Kaiser Permanente wrongful termination lawyer, contact California Labor Law Employment Attorneys Group. California Labor Law Employment Attorneys Group is a law firm representing victims of sexual harassment against Kaiser Permanente and other recognized employers. Our experts have dedicated many years to representing all employees and helping them exercise their rights in their workplace. Our sexual harassment attorneys are ready to provide you with the guidance that you need to file a Kaiser Permanente wrongful termination and sexual harassment lawsuit. If you would like to discuss your claim with a lawyer who has experience in Kaiser Permanente sexual harassment cases, you should contact our firm and schedule to meet with our attorneys.
Our firm offers both free consultations and free second opinions to ensure that all victims of harassment in the workplace have access to legal assistance. During our free consultations and free second opinions, a workplace sexual harassment lawyer will address all your questions and concerns, ensuring to provide you with the information and guidance that you need to take action against your employer. If you are ready to discuss your current situation with a Kaiser Permanente workplace sexual harassment attorney, contact our law firm today and request to schedule a free consultation or free second opinion.
Our free legal services are available as part of our Zero-Fee guarantee, a guarantee that you will never have to worry about paying any legal fees for any of our legal services. Our firm is also based on contingency; therefore, you will not be required to pay anything until your claim reaches a successful outcome. If you are ready to fight for your rights against Kaiser Permanente, contact California Labor Law Employment Attorneys Group today.